- Got the first CROCS slip-on as a birthday present from beloved papa n started to fancy them since then.
- Have visited a few boutiques in Kuantan n Kedah tapi bukan semua kedai ada yang menarik dari segi rupa n warna.The sales people did say that all CROCS shoes with the bright colours can match with any of ur outfit but still kena pandai matching jugak kan?
- It is very comfy n super light too!
- Sedihnya budak2 sekolah kata aku pakai selipar jepun tapi takperla n sia2 jer kalu aku gaduh dengan budak2 kan?
- Bought a new pair recently n i wore it to school.A few pupils n teachers noticed my new blue shoes n they loved it.It was worth buying eventhough ada jugak budak kata aku beli kat pasar malam yang harga rm10..huhuhu!!
- thought of buying this CROCS for Syahmi jugak..tapi takder lagi yang berkenan..
- tapi tak semua org ske this kind of shoes..tepuk dada tanya selera..

My CROCS collection..Sports Adara n Havana.